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Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: At-Home vs. Away-From-Home Occasions

3 in 4 eating and drinking occasions take place at home, accounting for 280 billion annual occasions. But away-from-home occasions present their own unique set of opportunities to meet a heightened spectrum of needs. Understanding key differences between these two occasion types will help you not only optimize your products and marketing, but innovate to capture additional mouths. 

This detailed set of data-focused dashboards help you quickly understand differences across at-home and away-from-home occasions by comparing details like categories consumed, important food and beverage attributes, sourcing details, top need states, demographic differences and more. 

Beyond Organic 2024

As this marketplace continues to evolve, USDA Organic certification remains one of the most powerful symbols of natural food. However, growth has brought its halo and rigor into question. At the same time, expanding demands for stronger standards around environmental resilience and animal and worker welfare — exemplified by practices like regenerative agriculture — mark a new standard of quality beyond USDA Organic.  

“Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage” builds on Hartman Group’s long-standing research into the organic marketplace to equip readers with actionable insights to navigate where organic adds value, where its appeal diminishes and how to meet rising demand for outcomes beyond organic standards. 

Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: Alone vs. Social Occasions

Social occasions account for just under 200 billion annual eatings, and alone occasions account for almost 170 billion. With that much opportunity on both sides of the spectrum, it’s critical to understand the nuances between these two occasion types so you can optimize your efforts.  

This detailed set of dashboards help you quickly understand key differences across alone and social occasions by comparing key details like categories consumed, preparation methods, decision timeframes, top retail channels, top need states, demographic differences and more. 

Health Benefits 2024

Today’s consumers go beyond maintaining their health and preventing illness: they seek products that offer specific health benefits in addition to basic nutrition. How can brands innovate and differentiate in this fast-moving market? How do they cut through the sea of claims to offer meaningful solutions? How can they connect, communicate and build trust with consumers? 

“Health Benefits 2024” will equip CPG industry players with the insights they need to develop and 

market products for consumers’ evolving health needs, priorities and lifestyles.