Our free download highlights findings from our latest report A New Landscape of Eating: 2022 Eating Occasions Report which explores U.S. adult eating behaviors in 2022 and how aspects have shifted from previous years.

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The landscape of eating has fundamentally changed. And while we cannot predict the future, every indication thus far is that we, as a society, are not returning to how things were before the pandemic. Leveraging The Hartman Group’s proprietary Eating Occasions Compass Database, A New Landscape of Eating: 2022 Eating Occasions Report highlights U.S. adult eating behaviors in 2022, how aspects have shifted from previous years, and how eating occasions differ among generational cohorts and across the day. The report, prepared by the Hartman Retainer Services team, explores the context, needs and behaviors associated with eating and drinking occasions with detailed dashboards for the 8 dayparts that extend from early morning to late at night.

The free download highlights key findings from the report and concludes with a selection of key takeaways and implications for food and beverage companies, including CPG brands, retailers, and food service establishments.

Download the free excerpt [here].

The full 73-page A New Landscape of Eating: 2022 Eating Occasions Report (available in PowerPoint and PDF formats) includes in-depth analysis of the contexts & characteristics of 2022 eating occasions (including generational and daypart differences) including a spotlight on price sensitive occasions and detailed dashboards (3 slides each) for the 8 eating occasions dayparts (Early-Morning Snack, Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Dinner, After-Dinner Snack, and Late-Night Meal/Snack).

Find more information about what is included and purchase the full A New Landscape of Eating: 2022 Eating Occasions Report [here].