Changing Role of Meals in America

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Recent decades have seen a gradual erosion of American mealtime rituals. The Hartman Group’s Transformation of the American Meal report in 2017 found that although the growth of snacking had eroded mealtime rituals over the long term, few consumers saw snacking as affecting their meals overall. 
Today, the coronavirus pandemic has prompted widespread shifts in how Americans source, cook and eat their food, raising the question: Where do American meals and cooking stand today? 
The Hartman Group’s At the Dining Table: American Meals and Cooking 2021 syndicated study examines where meals and mealtimes stand today and seek to provide food manufacturers, retailers, distributors and restaurants with an in-depth view of how to best help consumers achieve the meals they desire to have. Learn more about At the Dining Table here.
For more information on how Hartman’s syndicated reports can be an essential resource to help you navigate the way forward in these uncertain times contact:

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