Changing Role of Meals and Cooking in America: Consumer as Chef

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Early in the pandemic, it got pretty hot in the average household’s kitchen as consumers quarantined at home and fully engaged with a range of cooking behaviors. And yet, as we’ve learned from our ongoing assessment of meal occasions, things are cooling off and the high levels of cooking engagement witnessed early on in 2020 have declined as cooking fatigue set in and consumers became more comfortable sourcing from food service.
One sign of cooking fatigue: comparing spring 2021 to spring 2020, among occasions that involved heating and cooking foods, microwaving was most popular and cooking on stove tops, and baking showed a decline, inspiring the question: 
Where is cooking and meal behavior going next?
Find out in The Hartman Group’s At the Dining Table 2021: American Meals and Cooking syndicated study, which aims to provide food manufacturers, retailers, distributors and restaurants with an in-depth view of how to best help consumers achieve the meals they desire to have.
Learn more about At the Dining Table here.
For more information on how Hartman’s syndicated reports can be an essential resource to help you navigate the way forward in these uncertain times contact:>

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