The Hispanic/Latino consumer is one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing consumer segment in the U.S. With over 20 different countries of origin represented under the Hispanic umbrella (according to our research), marketers find it a collective challenge in how to connect with them. We have found that by exploring Hispanics through the frameworks of acculturation and multi-cultural influences that we have come to determine key aspects of Hispanic consumers. Some of these characteristics include: a common language, growing equality between genders, a more relaxed family structure, an increased focus on the individual, a greater awareness of personal boundaries, an emphasis on education as well as hard work, and an awareness of physical well-being. It is these shared differences that bring Hispanics together.
Hispanics are very aware of their health in that they are concerned about conditions such as pain, weight control, anxiety/stress, or cardiovascular issues, more so than the general population. Hispanics also place slightly more emphasis on the non-physical aspects of well-being than the general population. Having a definition of health + wellness that focuses a bit less on the physical gives Hispanics more freedom to explore alternative health practices. This exploration varies by acculturation level in that consumers pursue over-the-counter medicines, prescription medications, foods, or alternative healthcare modalities at different rates.
Resources:       Health & Wellness 2015 report
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