
Online Grocery Shopping – Insights from our Food Sourcing in America 2022 Report

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Consumers continue to shop online for groceries, citing convenience, flexibility, continued safety and economic benefits

As the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, our Food Sourcing in America 2022 report finds that shoppers still have the same complex set of considerations around where, how, and when to shop for foods, beverages, and meals, and all journeys begin with what they need or want to purchase.

Consumers shop in person mainly to find the best quality products, to support their community, and to enjoy the food shopping experience, if possible. 

Online grocery shopping continues to grow, primarily because of what consumers cite as convenience, flexibility, continued safety, and economy, with less of a focus on enjoyment-related factors. Other insights include:

  • 63% of consumers say they shopped online in the past 30 days.
  • Shoppers today appreciate the continued safety that online shopping provides with 62% of shoppers still concerned (25% highly, 37% somewhat) about getting COVID-19 while shopping.
  • Emergent benefits of online grocery shopping include perceptions of cost savings as consumers say they believe this method reduces impulse buying, saves money by not having to drive, and can assist with budgeting.

Most online growth comes from those who dabble in the method. The cost and inconvenience of delivery remain online shopping’s major barriers to overcome.

Curious about other trends relating to how consumers are shopping for and sourcing groceries and meals today? Information on our newly released Food Sourcing in America 2022 report is available here.

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