It’s pretty clear that consumers don’t eat meat because of how it’s produced but in spite of how it’s produced. And that might just be what tips the scale in favor of mainstreaming “clean meat.”
As we get closer to better and more affordable iterations of plant-based and “clean meat” becoming part of our dietary consideration set, these expanded options are also likely to create better livelihoods for farmers and factory workers as more specialty crops, like mushrooms and hemp, and cellular ag labs generate preferable jobs in industrialized CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) and commodity agriculture. We’re possibly looking at an agricultural renaissance.
Although consumers will be grappling with the ick factor of their “meat” not coming from an animal the way they understand it, we see “clean meat” producers leveraging the lack of transparency about animal treatment at meat processing facilities as a significant opportunity. Memphis Meats recently live streamed their clean meat production, showing that transparency can no longer be dismissed in the industrial meat sector.