Just in time for Easter, CBD-infused jelly beans hit the market! From the man behind the creation of the name “Jelly Belly” now comes his new company, Spectrum Confections, which will produce CBD-infused jelly beans. 
David Klein has been gaining a lot of attention in the media with the creation of his CBD jelly bean product. Klein has not been affiliated with Jelly Belly Candy Company, however, since 1980, when he sold the trademark rights to the company. His new company, Spectrum Confections, will produce three varieties of jelly beans (regular, sour and sugar-free) in about 38 flavors. Each bean has 10mg of non-psychoactive, hemp-derived CBD.
If ever there was a sign that CBD has moved into mainstream consumers’ consideration set, this is it. As the new company ramps up production to meet demand, supplies are already sold out — even though, as many media sources are reporting, buyers currently have to supply their own lab-tested CBD and order a minimum of 8,000 beans. The iconic appeal of the jelly bean and Klein’s Jelly Belly history, coupled with a standardized 10mg dose, will resonate with a broad swath of consumers who have already entered the CBD market as well as those who are considering it. 
We expect increased market experimentation within the CBD space in the coming years. Exploration of CBD, and the quickly growing cannabis health and wellness market, is a special focus in our latest Health +Wellness 2019 syndicated research report. Learn more about the report: HW2019